Wednesday, June 24, 2009

IPA Today

I took a stab at an IPA tonight. Well, I guess I started last night by making a starter, but I actually brewed the batch tonight. Recipe is:

2 pints water
3/4 cup Light Malt Extract Syrup
Wyeast British Ale Yeast

Boil LME and water for 15 minutes, cool to below 80 degrees. Pitch yeast, let sit for 24 hours.

6 lbs Light Malt Extract

2 lbs Pale Ale Malt
0.5 lb Crystal Malt

1 oz Galena (75 minutes)
0.25 oz Tettnanger (20 minutes)
0.25 Fuggle (10 minutes)
1.5 Tbsp Coriander (10 minutes)
0.5 Cascade (2 minutes)

Not feeling good about this batch as I think I made some mistakes along the way. First and foremost, I used a 5 gallon carboy for the first time, and it screwed me up. After cooling the wort and adding to 3 gallons of water, I topped off to 5 gallons ... forgetting to leave room for the starter. I had to use a Wine Thief to get some of the liquid out to make room for the starter, but not until I had already pitched half of it. No telling how much, if any, yeast I took out of the carboy. Gonna have to wait and see.

This was a 90 minute boil. I started steeping the malts in the cold water and kept it at 160 degrees for 30 minutes. Brought it to a boil and added the LME, stirring until completely dissolved. After 15 minutes I added the Galena hops, then followed the timing above for the rest of them.

This is also my first time using a run-off tube from the carboy. We'll see what happens.

O.G - 1.051

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